Become a Mentor  

Are you interested in becoming a mentor?  In order to become a mentor, you must have all of the following: 

  • Five (5) years of experience in teaching 
  • Possession of a Clear Teaching Credential
  • Three to Five (3-5) years of positive Compliance/Audit results 
  • Three to Five (3-5) years effective teacher evaluations 
  • Knowledge of UDL and personalized learning
  • Knowledge of diversity in society, including diverse abilities, culture, language, ethnicity, and gender orientation
  • Evidence of school culture 
  • Supervisor recommendation
  • Demonstrate your ability, willingness, and flexibility to meet candidate needs for support

Does this sound like a good fit? If so, please begin the application process by completing the interest form below. 


Is this credential a Clear Credential?(Required)
Application Acknowledgement(Required)