Course of Study 

Each course term is a full year from the beginning of enrollment in the CSSD TIP. 

Induction Year 1  

This course provides coaching and mentoring based on the developed Individualized Learning Plan (ILP). Candidates receive structured coaching sessions, formal and informal mentoring, collaborative support, and access to resources and supports to build their capacity to meet their goals.  In addition to weekly mentoring, candidates will participate in cohort coaching around the following themes: Equity, Student Engagement, and Compliance. 

Induction Year 2  

This course provides coaching and mentoring based on reflective practice. Coaching and mentoring focus on candidate’s progress towards the ILP goals. Candidates are engaged in a strengths-based coaching method that promotes continuous improvement. In addition to weekly mentoring, candidates will participate in professional learning around the following themes: Curriculum Content, Student Engagement, Ethical Responsibilities, Teacher Efficiency and Effectiveness, and Strategic Planning.